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Accessibility Statement

VARLEY is committed to offering an inclusive digital experience that is accessible to all who choose to visit our site, in compliance with ADA standards and WCAG2 guidelines. We believe that visitors should be able to easily access our website regardless of disability and work constantly to ensure a positive experience for all. This includes being readable, operable, and understandable to the fullest extent possible. We do so by attempting to meet WCAG 2.0 Accessibility Guidelines to the best of our abilities.

Our Commitment to Progress

While we take pride in our commitment to inclusion for all, we understand that technology is ever evolving, and something that must be thoroughly monitored and adapted as standards change. We have taken great care to ensure that all pages be accessible to screen readers, magnifiers, voice recognition software, and video captioning solutions, however any situation in which standards are not met may be a result of proper technological solutions not yet functioning properly with our site. The accessibility of our website should be considered an ongoing process.

We Are Here for You

Our goal is to provide an enjoyable, dignified, and satisfying experience each time our site is visited. If you are unable to access any element of our site or are having difficulty during your experience, we are more than happy to assist you during standard business hours. Please email [email protected] and we will guide you through your visit in a method best suited to your needs consistent with applicable law.

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